Family Health - find helpful advice and useful information from a family health perspective.
Drug Data base - find information about 1. How to use 2. Possible side effects 3. Storage information and more.
Disease database - find information on 1. Symptoms 2. Causes 3. Risk factors and more.
Travel Information - tips and information to help keep you and your family safe during travel.
Medical Conditions - find useful information on a variety of health topics.
COVID-19covid 19 (coronavirus) in Ontario - Get the latest case data and updates, learn how to protect yourself and others and get advice on what to do next if you think you might have COVID-19covid 19.
Canadian Diabetes Association - Detailed information about Diabetes.
The Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada - A source of information about stroke, heart disease, surgeries and treatments. It also provides heart-healthy.
Lung Health Foundation - Watch videos on how to properly use your inhaler. Lung Health Foundation also have certified respiratory educators that you can speak to via chat, email or phone
Asthma Canada - Educating and informing people living with asthma - learn about your asthma and stay healthy